Retrospect Ramblings and Reasonings

(Like the alliteration?) This blog is just as the title implies. It is here that I ramble and reason in retrospect of today or days gone by. Oh, and if I'm feeling ambitious, perhaps I'll even venture into the days to come.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Dilemma resolved

Well, yesterday and last night just got worse and worse. (However, some parts of the day were good, like talking to a very good friend, who's like a brother to me, who I called for comfort and advice. And also talking to a long lost girlfriend, for pretty much the same reasons.) The night's biggest battle began with me emailing Bachelor Number 3 and telling him that whatever he thought we had is all over, and he seriously freaks me out, and I want nothing to do with him! I asked him to leave me alone - "Please don't call me, email me, message me, or try to contact me in any other way..." Well, that didn't work, and it ended up being a very long and emotional night. He just kept on sending me messages, emails, and calling my cell, which I had turned off in anticipation of him doing just that! Oh, and I was chatting with a friend online, and I was in invisible mode, because I new that psycho Number 3 would keep signing on to see if I was online, and send me a billion messages! Yeah, I ended up being totally right about that! He just kept signing on and off, and on and off. It doesn't take a genius to know that the crazy, possessive, freak was just looking for me. According to the times listed for the messages, emails and voice mails he left me, the creep literally spent hours trying to contact me, without even taking a break!!! CRAZY! Well, when it was really late, and I had finally decided to go to bed, I had to turn my phone on, because I'm a substitute teacher, and I have to have my phone on in order to receive calls to work. Well, as soon as I turned it on, I was bombarded by all the messages from the lunatic, which I pretty much just deleted and didn't even bother listening to. Then, just as I finished checking my voice mail, and was headed to my bed for some much desired (and needed) sleep, my phone rang! Guess who? Bingo! Psycho Number 3! Well, I knew that if I didn't answer my phone, he'd just keep calling, and I'd never get any sleep. So, I mustered up some courage, and answered the phone. He immediately started begging me to just give him another chance - he'd be better, he'd respect my boundaries this time, he knows that it's God's will for us to be together... Yeah, right!!! Well, I was not putting up with this manipulation any more, so I really yelled at him! I told him he is absolutely not the one for me, and I will NOT have a relationship with him. I spent most of the day crying and freaking out. I have no peace about it, whatsoever and the answer is NO! N-O! Then he told me, yet again, that he knew it was God's will, etc. Well, that got me really mad, because I know that I can hear from God, too, and He was telling me something entirely different. So I sternly declared that he does not have a monopoly on conversations with God, and it is down right cruel, sick and evil to try to manipulate someone by using God, or God's word... Then I demanded that he leave me alone. He continued whining and trying to convince me to give him a chance, or at least be friends, but I said, "NO, NO, NO!!!!!! I don't even want to be friends with you! You freak me out! I don't want anything to do with you! Leave me alone!!!" Anyway, I eventually told him that if he ever tried to contact me again, then I would get a restraining order! That finally made it sink into him, and he agreed to leave me alone. Before we hung up, I did what seemed like the Christian thing to do. I said, "Now, don't take this as an invitation for anything, because I still don't ever want to hear from you again, but I want you to know that I forgive you for what you've done. And I hope you can forgive me for hurting you. Now, have a nice life. God bless you. Goodbye... FOREVER." Then I hung up. Well, so far so good. Almost 24 hours without hearing from him! Before my night ended, I went online and canceled my personals account, deleted my profile, and made sure every trace of the psycho was erased. I've decided that this online personals stuff is just not for me, and I'm so done with it!!! Ok, enough about yesterday, now onto today. Well, the substitute calling service called me super early this morning! Usually they call around 6:20. This morning that called at about 20 of 6! Silly me, I agreed to work, despite my total exhaustion, because this has been a slow week for work, and I seriously need the money. Work went fine, but they had me switching around who I was subbing for, 'cause they were really short handed today. I was seriously dragging today! I wasn't sad (In fact I was feeling quite relieved!), but I was sooooo tired from the previous days' and last night's events. So, I wasn't exactly my usual bright and chipper self. I managed to make it through, though, by the grace of God! This afternoon, I came home and tried starting my car, which has been giving me much grief. (I took George's car to work. He's the almost 99 year old I live with and help to care for a bit.) Eventually I got it started, took it out of the garage and left it running. A while later, I decided to give it a test run, by using it to run some errands. In the evening, my mom and I went out to dinner to a place we often like to go on Fridays, for fish. That was good. It's kind of nice to be a regular at a place, and they know what you want to drink as soon as you walk in. :-) When we got home, I checked my emails. Then I got a phone call from Bachelor Number 2, who has actually become a good friend, even after I told him I wouldn't date him. We had a nice convo. Then my mom and I went to Stewart's and got a free ice cream cone, as is our annual St. Patrick's Day tradition. Now I'm just relaxing a bit, and hoping that my pager won't go off. I'm on call tonight for the ambulance, and I just don't think I have the energy for our usually long and draining adventures. (For those of you who don't know, I'm an EMT on my town's volunteer fire department.) Well, this post is too long already, so I'm done! Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Blogger Pro said...

Hey Kristy,
I'm so happy that everything worked out the way that it did. I'm praying for you... I know that God has someone great out there for you! I'm sorry I had to go so abruptly the other day - we'll have to chat again soon when I have more time.
I love you :)

March 18, 2006 4:53 PM  
Blogger Morgan L.G. said...

Hey Kristy, I finally got your blogspot to work...It wouldn't show for me. I'm glad you got things worked out. Try to get some rest. Take care of yourself. Good for you for not shooting #3. Nice blogspot! I hope your day is going well. I put a link to your blogspot on my blogspot. Three cheers to you! -Morgan

March 20, 2006 9:05 AM  

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