Retrospect Ramblings and Reasonings

(Like the alliteration?) This blog is just as the title implies. It is here that I ramble and reason in retrospect of today or days gone by. Oh, and if I'm feeling ambitious, perhaps I'll even venture into the days to come.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Exciting couple of weeks

Today, I've been working really hard at trying write a research paper. It is a required writing sample for a grad school I'm applying to. It's due by July 3rd, so I'd really need to get it done this week, because I'm going to Mexico in 8 days, and won't be back until July 6th. I've already got my research done, and have made some outlines. Also, after much tossing around of ideas, I've finally come up with a thesis statement that I'm happy with. Unfortunately, I'm finding it very hard to concentrate today. My mind's been wandering off to just about anywhere but "The Most Pressing Public Policy Issue For Today," which is what my paper is supposed to be on. Anyway, I've been working fairly steadily for quite some time, and decided to take a break. My brain could use the rest. I've been quite busy lately with a lot of different things. That's really nothing new for me, though. On Saturday, I had a garage sale to raise money for the Mexico trip. We (the people I'm bringing from my church and I) would like to use the money to bless the people there. We probably made between $150 and $200, although I haven't counted the money yet. I was actually hoping to make much more, and the whole thing seemed to be more work than it was worth. I spent the entire day before the sale setting up tables, carrying things, and organizing and pricing everything. We also sold coffee and donuts in the morning, and hot dogs and fresh squeezed lemonade in the afternoon, and that was also a lot of work to prepare for. Well, it's over now, and I'm left figuring out what to do with all the leftover stuff that people donated to be sold. I guess I'll have to rent a U-haul and take it to a Good Will, or something. I've had a cold this week, but it seems to be diminishing now. I think I got it last Saturday (the 10th). I conducted two weddings on that day. The second one was outside, and it was really cold and damp. Then I stayed for the reception, and an after reception party. The reception had a polka band and pig roast, and it was a blast! The band was really good, and actually played much more than polka. I had a great time hanging out with some old friends, and meeting new people. There were tons of people there and everyone seemed to be having fun. We all talked and danced the night away! The after-party party was more exclusive, basically including just the wedding party, and some other close friends. It was held at a relatively secluded motel at a lake, and was rowdy, to say the least! That was a lot of fun, except I almost had to break a guy's arm, because he wouldn't stop touching me, after I repeatedly told him to. The arm twisting seemed to do the trick. Also, another guy I was talking to told him what he would do if he touched me again, and that seemed to enforce the rules about not touching me. Problem solved. So, despite that, it was a wonderful time. One guy had a guitar, and a bunch of us sang with him a while. For the most part, though we just talked and laughed a lot. It's been a long time since I've had such a fun and memorable night. Eventually, my friends Kristina (a sister of the bride), Theresa (who graduated with Kristina and I), and Anthony (Theresa's older brother) and I decided to leave. We decided to crash at Anthony's house because it was close by and it was super late. We girls slept in his living room. Well, actually Kristina was the only one of us who slept, and she had consumed a whole lot of alcohol, so I think "passed out" is more appropriate. It was freezing!!! It was a very cold night, and Anthony's furnace was off, so the heat never kicked on. He lives in a trailer, so Theresa and I felt just about every breeze and bit of cold from outside. We stayed awake most of the time (too cold to sleep), occasionally reciting scenes from "Titanic," where everyone was freezing to death in the water. Anyway, we lived through the experience, and Kristina and I went out for some nice hot coffee and breakfast in the morning. She had to drive, though, because when we went to the place my car was, and I tried to start it, it wouldn't start, and then a big plume of dark smoke started rising from the hood, and I quit trying to start it. Kristina has AAA, so she had it towed for me after breakfast, and for that I'm very thankful. I got my car back on Saturday. Actually, Kristina was back in town, and took me to get it. Saturday night, she and I went to the movies. We saw "The Break Up." It was alright, but not nearly as funny as I was expecting. I think Vince Vaughn is great, though. He cracks me up. After the movie, we met up with our friend Mary, and ended up running into Anthony, and about half of our graduating class. It was freaky, but a lot of fun. We also saw a ton of other people we went to school with (from other classes), and I had an almost overwhelming blast from the past experience. Seeing some of the people, in particular, brought back quite a rush of memories and emotions. Overall, it was a really great time. Wow, two really exciting Saturday's in a row! On Sunday I went to church, as usual. It was my turn to teach children's church with a couple other people. Everything went well, and the kids seemed to have a lot of fun. After church, my mom and I took my dad out for a nice Father's Day lunch, and I gave him a gift (a nice new polo shirt for golfing or whatever). Then we went shopping, and headed for home. When I got home, I hurriedly made some lemonade (George, the 99 yr. old I live with, really likes my lemonade and requested more.) and left for a graduation party. On my way there I got stuck behind a tractor, and when I finally passed it, it turned out that Anthony was driving it. LOL! I could only stay at the party for a few minutes, and then I had to leave for youth group. Youth group was fun as always. I adore those kids! Ok, so there's the exciting highlights of my past couple weeks. Now I'm going to take a short walk and come back to work on my paper.