Retrospect Ramblings and Reasonings

(Like the alliteration?) This blog is just as the title implies. It is here that I ramble and reason in retrospect of today or days gone by. Oh, and if I'm feeling ambitious, perhaps I'll even venture into the days to come.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Today's Adventure

It's been a pretty interesting day. This morning the fire whistle in my town (and actually right across the street from me) woke me up. That was followed by my pager going off. The State Police ("Troopers") were requesting our assistance. At first we were on standby in the station. In the station, we were called on a private telephone line, to get the low down on the whole operation, and what we were needed for. We had to discuss it over a private line, instead of over the radio, like we usually do, so people couldn't hear everything on their scanners. There are just so many nosy people out there, who always have to know what's going on. They make me crazy. They don't all need scanners. They don't do anything to help out. They just seem to sit around listening to their scanners, so they can know everybody's business, and then gab about it to other people, and act like they have the inside scoop, like some kind of hotshots. Grrrrr! Oh, and some of them even have the nerve to go to the scene! Then they just stand around, in our way, talking and trying to act like they actually serve some purpose, until somebody finally gets rid of them. At one point, this morning, some 'important' guy let me borrow his vehicle (That was fun! I felt so powerful. It was one fast and powerful vehicle, and it had a bunch of lights, radio communication stuff, and a siren. It was pretty cool.) and I was sent into town for supplies. One lady I know (or used to kind of know) saw me (I was still in some of my turnout gear) and started asking me a bunch of questions. It was so annoying. I haven't had a conversation with this lady for at least 6 years now, and suddenly, she acted like we were good pals. "Oh, Kristy!!! It's sooooo good to see you!" she said. Then she asked me how I was, as if she even cared - she didn't even give me time to answer. Then she started pounding me with inquiries about why the fire whistle went off, what the call was for and where it was, etc. I'm glad to say that she left our conversation very disappointed! I told her that I was not at liberty to disclose that information, and that I was actually still in the middle of the call, so she'd have to excuse me. (In other words, 'leave me alone and get out of my way, you nosy pain in the neck!) Okay, okay, maybe I've been too harsh. I'm sure that not every person with an unnecessary scanner is a nosy pain in the neck. I apologize to those people who are not nosy pains in the neck, and have and unnecessary scanner for some other reason. Maybe some people are just very concerned about everyone else's well-being. Maybe they stop everything and pray for the affected people every time there is a call... even in the middle of the night. After all, we (emergency service workers) have to jump out of bed and go to work every time the pager goes off, so maybe some people jump out of bed and pray every time they hear something on the scanner. Maybe. That would be nice. Well, I still can't give a lot of details about this morning's call, but I can say that there is now one less meth lab in the world! Okay, enough about that. I recently registered for my grad. School classes. This semester I'm taking a required library research course, Principles of Economics, Christian Foundations of Government, and International Politics. I'm especially excited about the International Politics class. Many of the classes I have planned for future semesters really appeal to me, as well. I also had to buy my books yesterday (which are ridiculously priced, in my opinion), and take out some huge loans to pay for tuition and so forth. It should be loads of fun paying for all this. Until next time, keep sweet...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Whew, it's been awhile. I just can't seem to keep up with this blogging thing. I don't know how some people do it everyday. Well, anyway, I'll try to give an update of what's been going on since my last post. OK, I was recently accepted to grad school. I'm pursuing a Master of Government Degree. So, lately I've been doing a lot of things to get ready for school, like applying for all kinds of financial aid, and doing enrollment and orientation stuff. I really hope I won't have to take out gigantic loans, although, right now, it looks that way. For now, I'll be doing online classes, because it would be really irresponsible (and not very nice) of me to just leave my youth group, church, fire department, etc. on such short notice. Maybe someday, though, I'll actually move to the campus... maybe not. In other news, I've been applying for some jobs. I had one interview last week that went really well. I'm pretty sure I'll get offered a job there, but I'm not sure that I want to accept it, because the pay is not good. I have another interview this Thursday, and I'm hoping it goes well, because this job would pay better, and I think I'd like the work more, too. I applied for one other job, as well, but I haven't heard from them yet. If none of these jobs work out (either because they don't hire me, or because I'm not satisfied with their offer), then I might just wait until September and then go back to substitute teaching. My position has been held for that, so technically I'm still employed as a substitute, anyway. Now for the fun stuff! I took my youth group camping and whitewater rafting about a week and a half ago. That was a lot of fun. Actually, it was a lot of work, but it was fun, too. I liked the camp so much, that I'm going back there next week (but this time without the youth group)! It is really beautiful and serene there. There's no electricity, and there are no motor boats allowed. That makes it far more quiet and rustic than most campgrounds, and attracts a different kind of clientele. This Saturday, I will be conducting another marriage ceremony. This makes number three. I really like doing people's weddings. It's such a wonderful, joyful thing to be a part of. That's all for now, I guess. Tune in next time for more of Kookie's adventures!